From Tolman to RIC to Brown Alpert Medical School: Vascular Surgeon Moreira on Working in Community

Saturday, November 16, 2019


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Dr. Carla Moreira, Assistant Professor of Surgery at the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University, Chief of Vascular Surgery at the Providence VA Medical Center, and attending vascular surgeon at Rhode Island Hospital and The Miriam Hospital appeared on GoLocal LIVE to talk about the latest in vascular research -- and public health -- in Rhode Island.

"When people ask me where I’m from, often I say Rhode Island because I’ve lived here most of my life, but actually, I’m a native Cape Verdean," said Moreira. "There’s a big Cape Verdean community here. My family came when I was 10, I went to Rhode Island public schools, I went to RIC for undergrad — I had a wonderful experience there — and I got into Brown, which had an early identification program. Now, the university is much bigger, and the medical school is much bigger. I was able to get in, and for me that was obviously a dream come true."

Moreira spoke to her decision to focus on vascular surgery -- and how the Alpert Medical School prepared her for being on the cutting edge of research now. 


"I love vascular surgery, because it’s demanding. It’s a hard field, but one of the things, going into surgery, that I really wanted to focus on was an opportunity to have a longitudinal kind of care for the patient. I think most people often think of surgeons doing procedures, but I think of a vascular surgeon as part of managing patients and chronic diseases," said Moreira. 

Moreira spoke to her work at the Warren Alpert Medical School — as well as in the community. 

"It keeps you on your toes. We’re really on the cutting edge of a lot of the technology that’s available," said Moreira. "We can offer patients procedures that before used to be major surgeries, with major incisions and patients spending weeks in the hospital recovering. Now, you have some procedures that they can come in and have two little tiny punctures, and go home. The field has really grown and advanced and I’m excited to be part of it."

Moreira serves the Diversity Officer for the Department of Surgery and sits on many regional and academic committees with special focus on improving resident education, research efforts, and inclusiveness in medicine and biology.  Dr. Moreira is also a surgeon at University Surgical Associates, which will become Brown Surgical Associates in January.

Upcoming Health Fair

Dr. Moreira will be part of the Capeverdian American Community Development of RI’s Health and Wellness Fair this coming Saturday, November 16 in Pawtucket, from 11 AM to 3 PM at 120 High Street in Pawtucket.

The fair will feature free flu shots, blood sugar and blood pressure screening, and more. 


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