Research Investments at URI Mean Jobs for RI: URI Vice President Snyder LIVE

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


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Peter Snyder

University of Rhode Island Vice President for Research and Economic Development Peter Snyder appeared on GoLocal LIVE with GoLocal CEO Josh Fenton, where he talked to how external investments at the university translate into economic development for the state. 

"Huge things have been happening at URI, whether it’s been in bio, with the new engineering center, and massive — I mean literally hundreds of millions of dollars  -- of infrastructure that now litter the campus," said Snyder. 

Snyder, a distinguished professor and neuroscience researcher, prominent health systems manager and member of the University’s Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, was named to the position of vice president for Research and Economic Development and professor of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science in 2018. 


"The vision of growing our state’s research university into what it is becoming is so exciting. There’s so much going on in terms of development of the STEM sciences, engineering, oceanography, marine biology — but really across the university, the growth has been transformative, and what that has allowed us to do is capitalize on these investments in order to grow our research portfolio from about $66 million seven or eight years ago to over $100 million now," said Snyder. 

"Most of the funds that we bring in, these are external grants, [which] for the most part to support job creation [and] job growth," said Snyder. "I would say the lion’s share - 70% of just about every grant that we bring in -- is earmarked for salaries and these are jobs that we’re bringing to the state of Rhode Island, in the form of very well-trained research technicians, support staff, new investigators, research faculty coming from all over the world to work with us."

And Snyder said that the academic benefits extend beyond URI. 

"We support researchers as most all the institutions in the state — if not all of them — that need access to high technology equipment, materials, and expertise at URI," said Snyder. 


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