Refugee Dream Center Helps Syrian Couple With Goal of Opening Food Truck in Rhode Island

Saturday, December 14, 2019


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Eman Alshayah and her husband, Mahmoud Alfares, appeared on GoLocal LIVE where they spoke to coming to Rhode Island from Syria, and working toward their goal of bringing Syrian cuisine around the state with a food truck. 

Alshayah explained that wanting to work and earn a living in the United States, that her husband encouraged her to follow her passion -- and to work together to open a food truck featuring her Syrian cuisine. 

Last week, Alshayah passed the Rhode Island food safety certification course, and is now able to move forward with her goal of opening her very own food truck.


Food Truck Fundraiser: See Crowdfunding Appeal HERE

Alshayah thanked the Refugee Dream Center -- which is a post resettlement refugee agency that offers services targeting gaps within the refugee community by ensuring continuation of services in their efforts towards self-sufficiency and integration -- in particular for helping her in her journey. 

The Refugee Dream Center does referrals, social level assistance, and skills development such as English language education for adults, health promotion and cultural orientation, youth mentoring, and case management.

In addition, the Refugee Dream Center is a strong advocacy agency for the rights of refugees.

"The very basis of the word 'dream' in the name of the Refugee Dream Center is to ensure that every refugee is provided the opportunity to attain the American Dream. Eman and Mahmoud are wonderful people who have gone through so much in Syria," said Omar Bah. Founder and Executive Director of the Center. 

"They are grateful for being rescued from the war and given a chance in the US. Each time they come to the Center, the first thing they say is thank you. They are so grateful to the US and all the support they are receiving. They grew from zero English to taking classes at the Center, learning how to drive, and integrating very well into American culture. They are very determined and have been working very hard to contribute to America both socially and economically. They are a great model for a success refugee story. We are so proud of them," said Bah. 


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