Nazis Want to Kill Him, Tucker Carlson Blasts Him and Globe Fired Him - Luke O’Neil Is Never Shy

Friday, November 08, 2019


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Luke O'Neil, author PHOTO: Twitter

Luke O’Neil is often called this generation’s Hunter S. Thompson — the reporter and writer who creates an itch - something that needs to be scratched.

O’Neil joined GoLocal LIVE on Thursday and discussed his new book “Welcome to Hell World.”

He describes it as "a mix of reporting and commentary and memoir from the perspective of somebody who has been a reporter for a long time, and also someone who's constantly attuned to the news and quite frankly has been driven insane by both of those things,” said O’Neil on GoLocal LIVE.


He starts a reaction from every circle. O’Neil is called "The Left’s new low" by Tucker Carlson.

He rocked New England media when he was tapped by the Boston Globe for a column that the newspaper published and then deleted.

“In publishing, and then deleting, an opinion piece this week encouraging restaurant staff to contaminate food prepared for current and former White House officials, the Boston Globe did exactly everything wrong,” wrote the Washington Examiner’s Becket Adams.

“For starters, the op-ed, titled ‘Keep Kirstjen Nielsen unemployed and eating Grubhub over her kitchen sink,’ should not have made it to publication. Any article that begins with the opening lines, ‘One of the biggest regrets of my life is not pissing in Bill Kristol’s salmon’ is not an article worthy of an ostensibly serious newsroom. The Boston Globe knows better. At least, it should,” wrote Admas.

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"Welcome to Hell World" by Luke O'Neil

But, with O’Neil, you know what you're getting — a writer, thinker and even songwriter who challenges forces of power and calls for America to recalibrate to ensure that the neediest and poorest have a fair opportunity.

O’Neil has a strong view on most everything — he said during the fast paced-interview on GoLocal LIVE:

On the merger between GateHouse and Gannett: "I think that merger is a disaster...and both those companies have already been doing their best to destroy media across the country."

Trump: “Trump is not the problem, he is a symptom of the problem.”

Opportunity: “I don’t care if people have a job if they are shitty jobs.”

Joe Biden: “It seems like Biden was kind of withering on a vine --  isn't he in fourth place in Iowa? His fundraising doesn't run so well -- they really wanted to push him up front.”

Nazis: "I write a lot about these sorts of terrible people that have always been here for years -- but they seem to become a little bit more involved in the past couple years I don't why that is -- maybe somebody setting up that example."

Guns: "I'm really sort of a staunch proponent of coming to steal everybody's guns -- and the people who love their guns and love Trump they don't take kindly to that kind of stuff so I got more than my fair share of threats and harassment.”


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